
DISC Workshops

elevate your personal effectiveness and relationships with others

our programs deliver results for your team and organisation

How many training sessions have you attended without reaching your key goal? Our reputation is built on our relationships with others and facilitating programs that produce lasting results. We take the time to tailor our programs to your key goals, objectives and challenges. We use world-class DISC performance tools from TTI Success Insights to increase self-awareness and build strong relationships. Post-sessional action plans, reinforcement meetings, and accountability structures are in place to ensure change and results happen.

We know the challenges organisations face every day when it comes to creating a great workplace that delivers consistent results. That’s why we offer full day or half day programs that focus on team effectiveness, leadership development, and sales behaviour. We can deliver workshops face to face or virtually, on site at your business or at conference centres Australia wide.

Team Effectiveness

Building a high-performing team takes effort and understanding. When you have a group of individuals with unique personalities, skills and traits it is important to establish trust. When you feel safe and have trust, you can have a straight, well intended conversation. Individuals feel more confident in their place on the team and in their relationships with their teammates.

Teams with a high degree of trust push boundaries, leverage strengths, engage in tough conversations, and hold each other accountable. Team behaviours shift from avoidance to cooperation, team members feel valued and engaged. Workloads are handled more efficiently and with a lot less stress and drama.

Team leader standing with her arms crossed smiling

Leading Others

We are here to help you develop better leaders through leadership development training. We believe that managers are the key to employee engagement, customer satisfaction and profitability. Managers are close to day-to-day operations, customers and frontline employees. They know, or should know, better than anyone where the problems are in your business. An ineffective manager can also be the problem.

It is shown that the number one reason employees stay or leave, succeed or fail, is directly related to their relationship with their manager, not the company. Our leadership and team programs are customised to meet organisational goals and personal development needs. We focus on building self-awareness and changing behaviours to make teams and leaders more effective and productive.

Our leadership and team programs are customised to meet organisational goals and personal development needs. We focus on building self-awareness and changing behaviour to make teams and leaders more effective and productive. Your particular program which is facilitated using modern resources. Your program may include one profile or a mix of profiles and reports depending on identified needs, time and available resources.

We deliver 1/2 day or full day workshops online or face to face learning events tailored specifically for your business. We also facilitate public workshops. Individuals and small teams are welcome to participate after receiving their profile report. Contact us to learn more or download a free sample report from our range of profiling tools.

Behavioural Selling Skills

Most sales professionals know their product and the sales process. Where they have no advantage is understanding people – what drives, drives and influences individual clients to sign the dotted line. Selling skills are important, but how a salesperson applies them will largely determine their effectiveness. The ability to understand and align one’s behaviour and communication with customer behaviour is the key difference between an average salesperson and an excellent salesperson.

This program provides participants with an in-depth understanding of their personal selling style, both its strengths and limitations. Studies have confirmed that “people buy from people they like,” and participants learn an easy-to-use, proven behaviour-determination method that helps them instantly connect with customers. customers, build stronger relationships and close more orders. They will discern behaviours that help and hinder them in the sales process, as well as specific approaches that frustrate customers and lead them to purchase elsewhere.

DISC Quadrant

Observable Human Behaviour

The study of DISC has evolved and been reinterpreted many times. While different interpretations use different terminology, the basic tenets of DISC are very consistent throughout most models.

DISC is built around four unique behavioural styles, and how the unique qualities of each impact the way we approach people, tasks and the entirety of our daily lives.

To fully understand DISC, it’s important to understand how the four individual components
work together to create the whole. While a typical person may have one or two dominant
characteristics, it’s the combination of the four components of DISC that defines a person’s
behaviour. The four components of DISC create a “behavioural makeup” unique to every individual.


All our key consultants carry industry-leading TTI Success Insights accreditation as Workplace Behaviours Analysts, Workplace Motivators Analysts, and EQ Emotional Intelligence Analysts – TTISI CPEQA, CPBA, CPMA. To learn more about our DISC profiling tools and workshops please contact us.

DISC profile driving forces accreditation